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Reading - Here are some different types of questions you might ask your child when reading with them.

Week beginning 8th June- Read, Write, Inc

Please use this week to watch all of the videos posted on Ruth's youtube channel (link is below). Lessons go live everyday Monday-Friday at 9:30am and cover sounds, reading red and green words and also writing sentences.
Please complete the below speed sound booklets with your child. Asking them to read the sounds, write them down and read any words containing these sounds.
Please go through the green word slide shows asking your child to read the words, using their phonics to sound any out they need help with.
Please read through the power points with your child. Some words are real words, some words are silly and don't make sense- we sometimes call them 'alien words' or 'nonsense words'. Ask your child to find the 'special friends' in words when reading them.
Week Beginning 18th May - English Activities

Use your red books, if needed, to complete the fun English starter activities below.

Read the story, ‘Little Acorns’ in the e-book below (PDF document). The story is about a little acorn that falls from a tree and how he grows and changes during the different seasons. Then complete the activities linked to the story.

In your red book, answer the questions about the story. Try to write in full sentences and remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. You can go back to look at the story to help you answer the questions.

In the story, Little Acorns, the author has used lots of calligrams. Read the information below to find out what calligrams are and see if you can find some in the e-book.

Here are some of the calligrams from the story. Can you see how they look like what the word means?

Can you write some of the words below as calligrams so that they look like what they mean?

Read the text below about the life cycle of an oak tree. It is a non-fiction text. That means that it is not a story, it is based on facts about something real. Answer the questions in your red book. Try to write in full sentences and remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Watch the video about an oak tree and the animals that rely on it for food and shelter, then complete the activity below.

Which animals did you see in the video? What do they need the oak tree for? Write some sentences in your red books. Use the pictures below to help you. Miss Sharkey has done one to show you.

Miss Sharkey's sentence: Ravens build their nests high up in the oak tree because the branches are strong.

Pick 2 of the seasons and write some sentences to describe them. What is the weather like? What things would we see in nature? What activities might we do? How do we feel during this season? Use the word banks below to help you. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Week beginning 11th May - English Activities

Use your red books if needed to complete the fun English starter activities below.

Describe what you can see in the scene below. Make sure you write in sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. What can you see? Who is there? What are they doing? What is the weather like?

Write a book review for one of the books you are reading at the moment. Use the template below and write in your red exercise books.

Awesome Acrostics

Watch the video of Children's Poet Kenn Nesbitt. He explains what an acrostic poem is and how to write one.

We are going to write our own acrostic poems. Our poems are going to be all about what we know about Seasons. Have a look at Miss Philliskirk's example of Autumn below.

Choose one of the templates from below and copy it into your red exercise book. Can you write an acrostic poem about one of the seasons? Remember, write down lots of things you know about the season first and then use it to write your poem.

Now can you write an acrostic poem in your red books about anything you like? It could be your name, your favourite colour, about a family member. Some templates are shown below to help.

Let's pretend we are going on holiday!! Write a list in your red books of things you would need to pack into the empty suitcase below, if we were going somewhere that was hot like summer. There are some pictures to help, can you think of more?

Now write a list in your red books of things you would need to pack into the empty suitcase below, if we were going somewhere that was cold like winter. There are some pictures to help, can you think of more?

Week Beginning 4th May - English Activities

Complete the fun English starter activities. Write in your red book when needed.

Rewrite the sentences in your red book using capital letters and full stops where needed.

The Owl Babies

Watch the video of the story about three baby owls who wake up one night to find that their mother has gone. They don’t know where she is and they are worried that she won’t come back. What do you think will happen?
When you have watched the video, do the activities below.

Can you put the pictures in the correct order and use them to help you retell the story? You could tell the story orally to an adult, or write the story in your red book.

Can you think of some adjectives to describe how the owl babies were feeling when their mother was away and how they were feeling when she returned? Use these adjectives to write sentences in your red book. There is an example below the picture.

Imagine you are the owl babies. What questions would you ask your mother owl when she comes back to the tree? Write your questions in your red book. Remember to use a capital letter at the start of each question and a question mark at the end. There is an example below the picture.

Week beginning 27th April- English activities

Use your red exercise books to write in and complete the fun starter English activities.

Use these pictures to orally tell or write your own story in your red exercise book. Include these characters and settings. What will happen in your story?

Caterpillar Shoes

Listen to the story with your child about a friendly caterpillar with lots of shoes. He is very kind and gives them away to lots of friends. When you have watched the video, complete the activities below linked to the story.

Write some adjectives and similes to describe the insects from the story. An example is done below, do the same for the other pictures and write them into your red exercise books.

Write a sentence in your red books, using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces to say which shoes the caterpillar gave to the insects. An example is below, do the same for the other pictures.

Draw your own insect in your red books and give it some shoes to wear. Write underneath what you have drawn, what shoes your insect is wearing and why.

Week beginning 20th April - English Tasks

Your child can complete these tasks in their red exercise books.

Complete these sentence activities. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

Can you write a short letter to the aliens telling them about your town?

Complete this activity using the connective 'and' to join sentences.

Imagine you have found this tiny dragon while you were walking in the park. Write a short story about it.

Make two columns in your red book, one for 'Real Words' and one for 'Alien Words'. Read each word from the table below out loud and write it in the correct column. Remember to use Fred Talk if you get stuck.
