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E-safety Group Meetings

E-Safety group

Our E-safety group is made up of pupils, parents, governors, staff and technical support who meet once a half term to discuss changes in E-safety in school.  

Our first meeting in October was part of the parent's forum and discussed the following issues:

  • E-safety policy
  • support school give the children on E-safety
  • support school give to the families around E-safety
  • Training for parents around E-safety


Feedback from the meeting - October 2015

  • Parents felt the E-safety policy was a thorough one that covered all the main points needed.  Questions were asked and clarified in the area surrounding photographing children.  The policy states that no 'unauthorised photographs can be taken in schoo'l.  We discussed school continuing to take all photographs and videos of performances and when on trips, sharing on the school website.
  • The parents felt, very strongly, that school kept the children safe in school with regard to e-safety.  They felt that the teaching in school was appropriate and supported their children well.
  • They have asked school to support parents and suggested we run workshops around; blocking websites and filtering home internet.  This was a worry for some of the parents.  Also to provide a list of 'safe' educational websites that would help the children at home.


Next meeting : November 2015
