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23rd OCTOBER 2020

Dear parents and carers,


Firstly, a huge thank you for all of your support through the half term, it has been usual one but extremely successful.  School closes today at 3:00 (2:50 for Year 5 and 6) and reopens on Monday 2nd November.



  • If either you or your child become symptomatic, test positive or are required to isolate due to a family member could you let school know as soon as possible please in one of the following ways:
    • The school office will be open for these calls from 10:00 until 2:00 daily
    • You can leave a message on the St Thomas Facebook page
    • A contact form on the school website


If you placed an order for a school fleece, they have arrived.  Please pick up from the main office.  If you would like to buy one for your child speak to the office.


Thank you and have a restful half term.
