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Friday 17th May

Dear Parents/Carers,


What a busy week!  The Year 6 children completed their SATs today and have worked so hard.  The Year 2 children are progressing well with their SAT tests and will finish them very soon.


We have another busy week next week too.


Monday – Reception are having a superhero day and can come in their Super Hero outfits.

Tuesday – Year 4 visit a Park to look at waterways; canals and rivers.

Friday – School are having a non-uniform day to raise funds for the ‘Children of Yemen’ school’s chosen charity for Ramadan in memory of Abdul Haadi.

Donations either to the school office or with your child to the class teacher


The following two week are half term holidays and then we return to school Monday 10th June at 8:50.  We will be having our school Eid Parties during the day, children are welcome to come to school in their party clothes.


There is more information following this link


The dates between now and the end of the year are almost confirmed and will be shared next week; sports days, end of year presentations, world book day and an exciting choir too!!
