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Year 4

Half termly curriculum newsletters

Welcome to year four  -  send your active photos

The staff in year 4 are:

Mrs Shipton                                        Mr Mullan

Mr Gwynne                                          Mrs Hall

Mr Cooke                                             Mr Ali

Mrs Cummins                                       Mrs Evans



4SS - Thursday and Friday

4JG - Tuesday and Thursday


Please come dressed in your P.E. kit and pumps or trainers.

P.E. kit is plain black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts and a plain white t-shirt.  School jumpers or cardigans should still be worn.



Please make sure your child has their reading book and reading record in school every day as reading days do vary from week to week.  It is suggested that children read everyday, this can be any book of choice.  Please record any comments in the reading record.



This will be set on a Friday and expected to be returned the following Wednesday.




Begun on Monday the 6th of June and currently running over three weeks, 

our children will be completing the Multiplication Tables Check. This will assess whether children know all of their times tables, up to 12x12. We will continue to give the children weekly practise towards this and record their results. Please can you ensure you help your child to learn all of the times table facts. Please ask the school should you require any extra help or support to do this. More information on the MTC can be found at:


Your child will have access to TT Rockstars and Purplemash to practise both in and out of school.
